Oh yes, and I have a formula for ranking Pitchers as well.
Here is your complete Hall Of Fame broken into Starting pitchers and Relief pitchers
Danny Cummings S-19 704
Marcus Bagley S-31 598
Luis Schoop S-42 543
Cy Taubensee S-39 540
Harry Goodwin S-43 529
Louis Mitchell S-49 529
Cy Duran S-47 474
Francisco BochacicaS-47 460
Albert Jose S-48 453
Wayne Stratton S-17 419
Tony Cordero S-19 416
Benjie Franco S-32 401
Vin Rios S-34 367
Ray Marion S-37 357
Gerry Cooper S-42 356
Jose Terrero S-41 352
Cristobel Johnson S-45 347
Ty Neal S-24 332
Andres Castillo S-30 320
Douglas Hunter S-14 318
Ober Garces S-36 313
Andrew Hampton S-46 304
Willie Aparicio S-35 302
Alex Mesa S-29 292
Tony Koh S-51 227
Luis Pena S-26 731
Heinie Christman S-49 634
Zeus Driskill S-44 630
Wow, Pena really was something.